From a reminder as basic as remembering to bring black socks to the shoot, to psychological exercises designed to help you recognize how your habitual patterns of fear-based thinking may prevent you from booking, Bill presents a myriad of skills, strategies and trade secrets that will turn your beliefs about yourself and the industry inside-out. Commercial Acting 101 covers everything from a review of basic skills such as slating, sign-in, and making copy your own, to the hidden rules of auditioning and the secrets of on-set behavior.

Commercial Acting 101 tackles everything from the mundane to the mystical. Does how you sign in affect your chances of booking the job? Are there things you can do while walking off set to ensure a future job? Are there absolute rules about acting that will help you book a national commercial? Can you work fearlessly, and truly enjoy every audition? Commercial Acting 101 will explain why all of those questions are answered with a definite YES!
Student Quotes:
“This is the most effective audition class I've ever taken - and I've taken many of them. I BOOKED a commercial 2 days after the class ended. The specific skill set bill taught me in class, hands down, was the sole reason I booked that commercial. Bill's class helped me extinguish the nervousness and my fear that plagued so many of my auditions, thereby helping me to realize my true creative potential. As an actor, I feel transformed into the type of artist I've always wanted to be. I can't recommend this class enough. and I feel confident that I can book so many more commercials. THANK YOU, BILL!!”- Shuo Z.
“It was awesome. Bill was full of information, and he was positive and inspiring. I really enjoyed everything about it. I want to be taught by an actor who is a WORKING actor and knows what they are talking about!” –Hollie
“ Bill was so kind and generous, and pointed out in a great way a deeper meaning on how to be successful. It was fascinating for me because I realized I am often only too happy to help people in my everyday life but had not thought about taking this into the audition room. Extremely helpful. Thank you.” -Liz F.
"Bill is an enlightened teacher: it was hard for everyone to leave the room once class was over! Aside from the rich toolbox of practical, repeatable commercial audition skills that Bill imparts, the warmth, respect, enthusiasm, and high spirit of play that he brings to the room quickly brings out the best work in all actors. I left the class not only with the confidence to succeed, but with real excitement for my next commercial audition." –Jacquelyn L.
“Bill is the Yoda of commercial acting technique.”- Chris B.
Class will meet April 13 & 14 (Sat-Sun) 10-5pm each day, location to be announced.
The cost for the class is $125.
You can contact Bill at or at 917 568 4391, or Aren Chaisson is acting as his 'local contact,' at